Council of
In case of discrepancy, theoriginal version in Chinese shall prevail.
(Adopted at the 18th Meetingof the
Sixth National People'sCongress, promulgated
President of the People'sRepublic of
Chapter II
Chapter III
Chapter VI
This Law isformulated
spreading into or out of thecountry, to carry
quarantine inspection and toprotect human health.
Frontier health and quarantineoffices shall be set
seaports, airports and portsof entry
rivers (hereinafter referredto as
Republic of China. These officesshall
monitoring of infectiousdiseases, and
with the provisions of thisLaw.
Health administrationdepartments under the
charge of frontier health andquarantine work throughout the country.
Infectious diseases specifiedin this
infectious diseases andinfectious diseases to be monitored.
Quarantinable infectiousdiseases shall include
fever and other infectiousdiseases determined and announced by the State
announced by healthadministration departments under the State Council.
Persons, conveyances andtransport equipment, as well as articles such as
infectious diseases, shallundergo quarantine inspection upon entering or
exiting the country.No entry
permission of a frontier healthand quarantine office.
On discovering a quarantinableinfectious disease or a disease suspected
to be quarantinable, a frontierhealth and
addition to taking necessarymeasures, immediately notify the local health
administration department; atthe same time, it shall make a report to the
health administration departmentunder
expeditious means possible,within 24
telecommunications departmentsshall give
Messages exchanged between thePeople's
countries on the
handled by the healthadministration department under the State Council in
conjunction with otherdepartments concerned.
When a quarantinable infectiousdisease
China, the State Council mayorder relevant sections of the border to
blockaded or adopt otheremergency measures.
Persons and conveyanceson entering
quarantine inspection atdesignated places at the first frontier port
their arrival. Except forharbour pilots, no person shall be allowed
embark on or disembark from anymeans of transport and no articles such as
baggage, goods or postal parcelsshall be loaded or unloaded without the
health and quarantineinspector's permission. Specific measures for
implementation of this Law shallbe stipulated in detailed regulations.
Persons and conveyances exitingthe country shall be subject to quarantine
inspection at the last frontierport of departure.
When foreign ships or airbornevehicles anchor or
than frontier ports in China,the persons
airborne vehicles must reportimmediately to the nearest frontier health
and quarantine office or to thelocal health administration department.
Except in cases of emergency, noperson shall be allowed to embark on or
disembark from the ship orairborne
baggage, goods and postalparcels shall be loaded or unloaded without the
permission of a frontier healthand quarantine office or the local health
When a
accidental harm is discovered ata frontier port, the relevant department
at the frontier port and theperson
report immediately to thefrontier health and quarantine office and apply
for provisional quarantineinspection.
According to the results of aninspection made by quarantine doctors, the
frontier health and quarantineoffice shall sign and
certificate for entry or exit toa conveyance either uncontaminated by any
A person having a quarantinableinfectious
isolation by thefrontier
determined by the resultsof the
suspected of having aquarantinable infectious disease shall be kept
inspection for aperiod
disease. The corpse of anyonewho died
disease must be cremated at anearby place.
disinfected, deratted, treatedwith insecticides or given other sanitation
measures when found to be in anyof the following conditions:
(1) having come from an areawhere a quarantinable infectious disease is
(2) being contaminated by aquarantinable infectious disease; or
(3) revealing the presence ofrodents which affect human health or insects
Apart from exceptional cases,when the person in
conveyance shall be allowed toleave the frontier of the People's Republic
of China without delay under thesupervision of the
A frontier
inspections and disinfect,derate, treat with insecticides or apply other
sanitation measures to articlessuch as baggage, goods and postal parcels
that come from an epidemic areaand are contaminated
infectious disease or may act asa vehicle of a
A consignor or an agentfor the
remains into or out of thecountry must declare the matter to a frontier
health andquarantine
across the border, shall not beallowed until sanitary
satisfactory and an entry orexit permit is given.
Frontier health and quarantineoffices shall monitor persons on entry or
exit for
preventive and controlmeasures.
Frontier health and quarantineoffices
persons on entry or exit tocomplete a health declaration form and produce
certificates of vaccinationagainst certain infectious diseases, a health
certificate or other relevantdocuments.
For persons who suffer frominfectious diseases to be monitored, who come
from areas in foreign countrieswhere infectious diseases to be monitored
are epidemic or who
infectious diseases to bemonitored, the frontier health
offices shall, according toeach case,
cards, keep them for
department about such cases.Medical services at
priority inconsultation
Frontier health and quarantineoffices shall,
health standards, exercisehealth supervision over the sanitary conditions
at frontier ports and thesanitary conditions of conveyances on entry
exit at frontier ports. Theyshall:
(1) supervise
elimination of rodents andinsects that carry diseases;
(2) inspect and test food anddrinking
(3) supervise the health ofemployees engaged in the supply of food
drinking water and check theirhealth certificates; and
(4) supervise and inspect thedisposal of garbage, waste matter, sewage,
Frontier health and quarantineoffices shall
supervisors, who shall carry outthe tasks assigned by the frontier health
and quarantineoffices.
supervisors shall be authorizedto conduct
technical guidance regardingfrontier ports and conveyances on entry
exit; to give advicefor improvement
unsatisfactory and factors existthat may spread infectious diseases; and
to coordinate departmentsconcerned to take necessary measures and
A frontier health and quarantineoffice may warn or fine, according to the
circumstances, any unit orindividual that has violated the provisions of
this Law by committing any ofthe following acts:
(1) evading quarantineinspection or withholding the truth in reports
the frontier health andquarantine office;
(2) embarking on or disembarkingfrom conveyances upon entry, or loading
or unloading articles such asbaggage, goods or
the permission of a frontierhealth and quarantine office and refusing to
listen to the office's adviceagainst such acts. All fines thus collected
shall be turned over to thestate treasury.
If a concerned party refuses toobey a
frontier health andquarantine
receiving notice of the fine,file a lawsuit in a local people's court.
The frontier health andquarantine office may apply to the people's court
for mandatory enforcement of adecision if
files a lawsuit nor obeys thedecision within the 15-day term.
If a quarantinable infectiousdisease is caused to spread or is in great
danger of being spread as aresult of a violation
this Law, criminalresponsibility shall be investigated in accordance with
Article 178 of the Criminal Lawof the People's Republic of China.
The personnel of frontier healthand quarantine offices must enforce this
Law impartially, perform dutiesfaithfully and promptly conduct quarantine
inspection on conveyancesand persons
constitute a
Where the provisionsof this
treaties on health and quarantine that China has concluded orjoined,
exception of the treaty clauseson which the People's
In cases oftemporary
People's Republic of China andthose
temporary visit at a designatedplace on the frontier by residents of the
border areas of the twocountries and of entry or exit of conveyances and
persons of the two sides,quarantine inspection shall be conducted in line
with the agreements betweenChina and the other country or, in the absence
of such an agreement, inaccordance with the relevant regulations of
Frontier health
quarantine services according tostate regulations.
The health administrationdepartment under the
accordance with this Law,formulate rules for
shall go into effect after beingsubmitted to and approved by the
This Law shall go into effecton May
Frontier Health and QuarantineRegulations of
China promulgated on December23, 1957, shall be invalidated.